Building Alberta’s
Clean Energy Tomorrow

We want to shape the future of low-carbon power in Alberta and be a part of building a new energy economy. Nuclear power is one of Canada’s safest and cleanest energy sources and is recognized globally as a critical tool in reducing green house gases and fighting climate change.

The Peace River Nuclear Power Project

Canada has been a global leader in nuclear energy research, technology and development for 65 years. We want to utilize our country’s proven nuclear technology and natural resources to supply steady, sustainable and affordable electricity for the province.

Energy Alberta is proposing to build a world-class nuclear power generating station in the Peace River area of Northern Alberta that would include two to four 1,000MW-class CANDU® MONARK™ reactors. The facility would produce up to 4800MW of electricity to the grid, representing up to 30% of the province’s existing electricity generation.

View a map of the proposed Project sites (PDF)Learn more about the advantages of nuclear energy (PDF)
Peace River Alberta
Two people doing field work

Greening the
Power Supply

The federal government has pledged to triple Canada’s nuclear capacity to help meet its target of net-zero emissions by 2050. This shift toward nuclear energy stems from the fact that nuclear power is the only readily scalable, zero-emission energy source capable of delivering reliable and affordable electricity around the clock.

Energy Alberta is ready to answer this call. In an increasingly volatile global energy market, nuclear power offers a zero-emission path to energy independence. CANDU® reactors use natural uranium mined and processed in Canada providing lower costs and a stable, secure energy supply which is essential for the growth and development of communities.

“Alberta has the opportunity to diversify our energy mix and complement the amazing achievements that have been developed in our country to create a viable path to decarbonization.”

- Scott Henuset, President and CEO of Energy Alberta

The Advantages of Nuclear

Canada’s nuclear industry is an economic engine, offering high-paying jobs to skilled workers, and significant revenue for provincial and federal governments.

*Canadian Nuclear Association

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89,000 people

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$22 billion in annual
GDP contribution.

Electricity icon


15% of Canada’s

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Environmental Advantage

80 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year are avoided.

energy security icon


Nuclear Energy runs 24/7,
365 days a year.

pickaxe icon


Canada is the second
largest uranium producer
in the world.

Project Status

Energy Alberta is currently in the early engagement phase of the process. This includes introducing the Project to those who have an interest in our proposal and developing a detailed Project overview.

IAAC regulatory process

Bringing Expertise Together

Energy Alberta has assembled a team with extensive nuclear experience and initiated the planning required to advance a nuclear generation project in Canada, including early consultations with government, community leaders and Indigenous groups.

Impact Assessment Process

Energy Alberta plans to submit an Initial Project Description in 2025 that will initiate a federal Impact Assessment (IA) for the Peace River Nuclear Power Project. The IA process, led by the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC) and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), will evaluate the potential effects of the project on the environment, health, society and economy. It will also assess the impact on Indigenous peoples and their rights.

Decision on Public Interest

An IA is a phased planning process spanning over multiple years, involving extensive community and public engagement, as well as comprehensive environmental and socioeconomic studies. Upon completion of the IA process, the federal government determines whether the project is in the public interest and grants approval for it to proceed.

Engagement event

Community Engagement

Learn More

CANDU: A Canadian Success Story

Canada’s nuclear technology has been operating safely for close to 65 years. The industry is one of the most regulated in the world and its facilities are the most protected critical infrastructure in Canada.

Canadian nuclear generating stations utilize CANDU®  reactors – heavy water reactors developed by Canadian scientists and engineers. CANDU®  stands for Canada deuterium uranium, reflecting its use of deuterium oxide (heavy water) as a moderator and coolant and uses natural (not enriched) uranium as a fuel. Canada is also one of the largest producers of uranium in the world.

Learn More About CANDU®
Operating Excellence

CANDU® reactors have accumulated more than 900 years of safe operating experience across seven countries around the world.

Canadian Success

There are 19 operating CANDU® reactors in Canada – 18 in Ontario and one in New Brunswick.

Global Presence

Canada has exported CANDU® technology around the world with 30 reactors in operation globally. As well, India operates 16 reactors that are based on the CANDU® design.

Stay Informed

Our news and updates section is your go-to source for the latest happenings, announcements and stories about Energy Alberta. Explore how we’re working to transform energy production in the province.

NuclearCore Conversations: Energy Alberta and Peace River Local & Indigenous Leaders Talk Nuclear

Energy Alberta was proud to participate in the SMR Canada Summit 2025, contributing to a panel discussion on the Peace River Nuclear Power Project.

EngagementBusiness Matters: Project Team Presents to Peace River & District Chamber of Commerce

In March, Energy Alberta had the opportunity to meet with the Peace River business community to share information about the Peace RiverNuclear Power Project and hear directly from local business leaders.

EngagementOpen House Recap: Sharing Early Information and Your Feedback

On March 11th, Energy Alberta hosted an open house in the County of Northern Lights to present early details of the Peace River Nuclear Power Project and gather valuable feedback from the community.

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